Monday, August 14, 2006

America's one-eyed view of war: Stars, stripes, and the Star of David

There are two sides to every conflict - unless you rely on the US media for information about the battle in Lebanon. Viewers have been fed a diet of partisan coverage which treats Israel as the good guys and their Hizbollah enemy as the incarnation of evil. Andrew Gumbel reports from Los Angeles

If these were normal times, the American view of the conflict in Lebanon might look something like the street scenes that have electrified the suburbs of Detroit for the past four weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no time someone take it and do what you will

user= russplag
passwurd= freeee

11:08 AM  
Blogger Lucy Stern said...

Look fellas, between the Goverment and the media, I don't know who to trust to tell the truth.

5:42 AM  

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