Thursday, July 20, 2006

Where are the Christians?
By Pat Buchanan

But where are the Christians? Why is Pope Benedict virtually alone among Christian leaders to have spoken out against what is being done to Lebanese Christians and Muslims?

When al-Qaida captured two U.S. soldiers and barbarically butchered them, the U.S. Army did not smash power plants across the Sunni Triangle. Why then is Bush not only silent but openly supportive when Israelis do this? (snip)

Already, Bush is ranting about Syria being behind the Hezbollah capture of the Israeli soldiers. But where is the proof?

Who is whispering in his ear? The same people who told him Iraq was maybe months away from an atom bomb, that an invasion would be a "cakewalk," that he would be Churchill, that U.S. troops would be greeted with candy and flowers, that democracy would break out across the region, that Palestinians and Israelis would then sit down and make peace?

How much must America pay for the education of this man?

'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for July 19

MATTHEWS: Great, thank you very much. Please keep coming back, Andrew Lee Butters in Beirut.

Let‘s bring in now two political analysts, Pat Buchanan and of course Bob Shrum, both with us regularly. Pat, let‘s go through the politics of this situation. The neocons are out there complaining that this president isn‘t tough enough. I have no idea what they mean, 50,000 dead in Iraq, it was supposed to be a cake walk. Ken Edelman‘s out there today saying we should go other places, you have got guys who have wanted to blow up every Arab country on their list. Why is going on in their complaint and why does the president pays five seconds attention to them?

PAT BUCHANAN, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: I don‘t know why he pays attention to them, Chris. What they want, Chris, is a wider war, especially in the Middle East. They want the United States to fight Israel‘s war against Hezbollah, Syria but especially Iran.

And the Israelis want us to fight Iran‘s well. But it‘s not in the interest of the United States. None of those countries, even Hezbollah and Hamas have not attacked the United States of America. I don‘t think the country is listening to the neocons anymore. I think they‘re discredited. The question is, is Bush listening to them, because he was gone for awhile up through his second inaugural, very much according to a script they wrote.

MATTHEWS: Literally.



MATTHEWS: I just wonder Pat about the simple history. We know from looking at the Arab world, as we‘ve come to understand it, that there‘s this division between the Shia, who are on the outs and they‘re coming to be the ins of course in Iraq and they‘re certainly already in control of Iran, taking on Sunnis, that‘s a war we‘re only vaguely understanding. That‘s a 1,000-year-old war. Do you think we‘re creating another 1,000 year war by killing so many Arabs? I‘ve been afraid of this war from day one, because I‘ve always felt, based on history, every time you somebody, you‘ve got his brother, his mother, his family coming back to get you. We‘ve killed 50,000 Iraqis in a war that was supposed to be a two-day wonder.

When are we going to notice that the neocons don‘t know what they‘re talking about? They‘re not looking at this country‘s long-term interests. They‘re bound up in regional and global ideology and they have had no experience, I‘ll say it again, in even a school yard fight. They don‘t know what physical fighting is all about. They went to school and were intellectuals, but they he want our government to be their big brother. I don‘t get it. I don‘t know why we keep falling for it and the president, you say is he free of these guys yet or not?

BUCHANAN: Well, the president fell for it after 9-11 when they put their little precooked meal in front of him after he knocked down Afghanistan and so they said let‘s do Iraq now and Wolfowitz and all the rest of them. But let me say this Chris, I think the president realizes now that we went into Iraq to pursue weapons that did not exist, a country that did not attack us, did not threaten us, and now we have created a great base camp for terrorism in the Anbar province, the west there, that did not exist.

In response to Mr. Shrum, not only the 150,000 hostages, you attack Iran, Hezbollah will retaliate against the 25,000 Americans in Lebanon, you will have massive hostage takings and killings. Are these people nuts? You‘ve got to ask yourself. I certainly hope the president is not listening to them, because I really question whether they‘ve got America‘s national interest at heart. They are calling for wars against people that never attacked us. I don‘t care how bad they are. There are wicked people all over this world, but you don‘t go after people unless they come after you.

Analysis- Pat Buchanan has it right not only about the silent religious leaders but he is thinking of what is good for the U.S. All I can say is to repeat Pat's question where are the Christians? People are suffering and dying yet I here nothing but Israel good Arab bad. Who is trying to stop the killing? Sitting back and pointing fingers is easy but changes nothing.

Holy War
As the Middle East burns, GOP pols, neocon pundits, and a powerful Christian right leader all sing the same (crazy) tune.
In the June issue of the Prospect, I wrote about Texas televangelist John Hagee, an Armageddon prophesier who insists that military confrontation with Iran is foretold in the Bible as a necessary precondition for the Second Coming.

This is not my religion. This is a religion that has been hijacked for political purposes and I wan't my religion back. A religion of peace.


Blogger Lucy Stern said...

I went and read it Fool and I agree with the assessment. TF has said all along that it will take an all out war to end this. The Muslims never seem to stand up to any deal they make. I think Isreal has been very patient and I don't blame them for wanting to get this over with.

I don't think I will be reading this blog much longer either. Hope you guys have fun duking it out.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Lucy Stern said...

Before I go completely: Let's just back to the original post. You want to know what has happened to religion? Read this:

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness
and to seek your direction and guidance."

"We know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call
evil good," but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom
of _expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called
it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin
and Set us free.
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, "The
Rest of the Story," and received a larger response to this program
than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer
sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again
can be called "One nation under God."

7:39 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

All very predictable. Only one person gets it. PS I had faith that you would see it I also did not expect any others to agree with Buchanan.

There are two reasons for this.
One is the thinking that Lucy and TF have that there MUST be an all out war to end this strangely the same thinking that Texas televangelist John Hagee, an Armageddon prophesier who insists that military confrontation with Iran is foretold in the Bible as a necessary precondition for the Second Coming.
Lucy -The Muslims never seem to stand up to any deal they make
That thinking makes it easier to condone.

Two is Fools throw out
Are you afraid of Jewish people, PS?
that you must be anti Jewish if if you disagree with Israels collective punishment.

I knew this post would be the end for most, the truth is sometimes to painful. I understand.

It is easier to look the other way and believe that man can bring about the second coming. All man can do is destroy each other.
The total hijacking is further along than I thought.

Muslim extremist and Christian extremists and none of them see themselves as extremists.

PS I pray they will be safe.

9:37 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Speaking of Israel, here's written by an Israeli journalist in Tel Aviv. Inter alia, it details the ongoing conversations, via blogs, chat rooms and IMs, between Israeli and Lebanese civilians; I think that's a historical first, where citizens of combatants have exchanges in real time.

Personally, I have no problem with the complete destruction of Hezbollah. What concerns me is Lebanon, which is the first and only Arab democracy. It does not serve our national interest to stand by as that country is pounded into rubble.

That national interest is not identical with that of the State of Israel, and is anti-thetical to the bloodlust engendered by our right wing. As to the inevitable rejoinder "you don't support Israel, so you must not like Jews", first, as a New Yorker, I'm an honorary Jew, complete with Passover Seders/synagogues/bar mitzvahs/shivas I've gone to (and most people here probably haven't), second, because I believe that the collateral damage Israel is inflicting on its main natural ally in the Mideast is to be deplored. Lebanon is the freest, most advanced country in the region, with a non-Muslim/non-Sunni majority; what's going on now is a tragedy.

But of course, let's not look at details while there is death and destruction to celebrate. It's the winger way.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Russ said...

While I still think this post will effectively end this blog (OK since RC's shoes are to big to fill) STS we agree the destruction of Hezbollah would be a good thing (glad more than one person gets the rest of it).

The problem with Israels collective punishment is Hezbollah has the hospitals, schools and other social programs that help the people live day to day. Things the Lebanese Gov. does not or Can not do.

Hezbollah was created to fight the Israeli occupation in the early 80's. More occupation will not make them go away it will only strenthen support for them. Only a political process to marginalize them will work.

Do they think you can turn a population against and organization that literally gives them food, water and Education by bombing civilian infrastructure.

You can't and in the meantime more innocent people die.

So what is the real reason behind this? A play on Iran?

12:52 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

P-Repeating the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is insanity

Since collective punishment has proven itself useless as a tactic in the middle east why is Israel doing it again in Lebanon. A democracy that was building itself as a tourist destination. Israel has set Lebanon back a decade or more to rebuild it's infrastructure. It is obvious they do not care about Hearts and minds.
Downing Street said the prime minister would stand by Mr Howell's comments, adding the British government had "always urged restraint on Israel".
Speaking in Beirut, Mr Howells said: "I very much hope that the Americans understand what's happening to Lebanon.

"The destruction of the infrastructure, the death of so many children and so many people. These have not been surgical strikes.

"And it's very difficult, I think, to understand the kind of military tactics that have been used.

P-Hezbollah is merely an arm of Iran and Syria. Thus, one may conclude that Israel is fighting Iran's proxy, thus, Iran itself.

Or is Israel just our proxy?

9:15 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

here's the link
Or is Israel just our proxy?

9:18 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

I would like to thank those of you want the blog to continue, it was a nice and unexpected surprise. I really thought this post would be to much for everyone. I am very happy to be wrong.

P- the Lebanese Government is to weak to disarm Hezbollah, a group that had more power and influence with the people than the government because they feed people give them medical care and an education.

I think everyone agrees the Hezzies (thanks PS) should be disarmed who would object to disarming militant terrorists?
That is not what I object to. I object to bombing civilians and making civilians suffer while Israel implements a plan they have had for over a year.

The British split with Bush as Israeli tanks roll in. Britain dramatically broke ranks with George Bush last night over the Lebanon crisis, publicly criticising Israel's military tactics and urging America to 'understand' the price being paid by ordinary Lebanese civilians.

absolute determination to deal with Hezbollah and to see that the UN resolutions requiring it to be disarmed are finally carried through'

The British get it why is it so difficult for Bush?

Speaking of UN resolutions how many Resolutions has Israel NOT complied with?(link from STS comment Section.)

Israel and Hezbollah trade fire as Syria issues warning
made hundreds of thousands refugees in their own country and destroyed billions of dollars of infrastructure.
.He said the current offensive would not match the magnitude of the 1982 invasion, which left about 20,000 people dead, traumatising Lebanon and plunging Israel also into a lethal quagmire

So it wont be that bad? Just a three week war. For?

Before The U.S. backs widening the war lets elect leaders who know how to lead. This "new war" certainly takes attention from all other Bush failures in the mid east.

The question for me is "Does Bush believe Armageddon starts with a war in Iran?" and Is Bush trying to make it happen?

PS-Hagee changes the scripture to make it more appealing for Jewish people. He says they do not have to convert. Unbelievable.

Dubose and Jan Reid point out that Hagee seems to have switched up on the Jews-will-convert-or-perish part of his vision -- a concept that many Jews find particularly troubling, and managed to finesse the issue so Jews don't wind up getting Left Behind:

[Hagee] cuts Jews in on Christian salvation. His theology includes a loophole for Jews, or to borrow a phrase from Liberation Theology, "a preferential option" for the Jews.

PB thanks for my new moniker RPG :)

4:48 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

Buckley is right Bush is no conservative fiscal or otherwise.

John Hagee, pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and founder and national chairman of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said this is not a time for Christians to be silent because of "the growing, active aggression we're seeing toward Israel and its people," along with the "growing threat toward any nation that supports Israel."

CUFI leaders acknowledged a hesitance by Jews to accept evangelical Christians' support.

"I will rebuke the State Department for any and every time it told Israel to stand down and show restraint," Mr. Falwell said.

Why would Jews be hesitant to accept evangelical Christians' support? Just because these so called Christians have an agenda to use Israel to bring about the end of times or the fact that they change what the Bible says to make it more palatable.

Fundamentalists of any religion are dangerous.

How can anyone that professes to follow Christ support the killing of innocent men, woman and children?

8:01 AM  
Blogger Russ said...

When you look at it this way -

Jerry Falwell You are this week’s winner for having said that you will chastize the state department if it ever told Israel to slack up on the killing. Hell forbid a conservative Christian ever preaching Jesus’ message of peace, love and brotherhood. Keep on preaching an anti-Christ message in the name of Jesus. You know it well, Jerry Falwell. Damn the peacemakers. Screw the poor. Shit on those who mourn now for they are going to be whining like losers tomorrow. Blessed are those who feast now, for they have been chosen by God to have dominion over the world. Blessed are those who make wars, for they know how to get what God wants them to have. Blessed are those who curse and hate their enemies, and care only for those of the same creed and race. After all, what good is it to have a soul if you cannot gain the world? The love of money is the root of all pleasure and success.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Russ said...

LN - I am glad I could give you a laugh. Anyway to your post.

Blame Israel? Oh, poor civilians?
Hold up, infrastructure destroyed?

Yes poor civilians, billions in damaged infrastructure and who suffers? Who bombed the infrastructure?

The point of the post was that people calling themselves followers of Christ can overlook the very things Christ taught. And for what?

12:05 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

LN what is it that people who claim to be followers of christ, forgot in their teachings?
But, I'm all for your bible thumping to commence

If you want a sermon go to Church.

If you have no clue what Christ was about I encourage you to find out if not that is fine to your choice.

I may be wrong but I think he thought killing was wrong but maybe you know more about him. If so let me know.

HD- I do not like to judge others but people that are hoping for a nuclear war with Iran to bring the second coming of Christ seem to have a cult mentality that is disturbing to me.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

HD- I could not agree more. I should have just said that

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MATTHEWS: Great, thank you very much. Please keep coming back, Andrew Lee Butters in Beirut.

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